Keeping good on my promise to gradually catch things up here in our blog, I'm now going to go back
six-and-a-half years!!! We spent 15 glorious days in the northeast part of our great country, and we took my (now deceased) mother with us. We went from north of Boston (almost to New Hampshire) down to Philadelphia, and hit many spots in between. We took in New York City, saw Gettysburg, Plymouth Rock, the site of the Boston Tea Party, Lexington and Concorde, Valley Forge, "Battleship Cove" - a naval museum in Rhode Island, the Basketball Hall of Fame, and so on. Even stayed for a couple of days at a Bed 'N Breakfast farm in rural Pennsylvania. Really took in a lot of cool things.

We were in New York City about five months before 9-11, and these two photos have become two of my favorite family photos. One is taken from atop the south tower of the World Trade Center building, with the North Tower in the immediate background, and NYC's Central Park and midtown district in the far background. The other picture is taken from Liberty Island with the twin towers in the background. Even though Steven was with us on this trip, he was barely even a toddler, and I believe that at the time both of these photos were taken, he's actually asleep in his stroller. While in NYC on this trip, it's also the first and only time I've ever personally driven on Manhattan, and in a rented 15-passenger van, no less. If NYC taxi and limo drivers seem completely crazy, I would say that it is fully justified!!! Isn't it fun, too, to see how young our kids look in these??? :-)
To visit all 238 pictures posted from this trip, check out