Monday, October 22, 2007

James Michael Cotter

This past weekend, we had a special visitor. For many readers of this blog, you may not have ever heard of James Michael Cotter. Michael is Michelle's brother, and we lost him almost three years ago. Michael passed away back on January 2, 2005, just short of his 34th birthday.

Michael was really great, and we all miss him dearly. He brought laughter and love in to the lives of everybody he met. And he met a lot of people! He graduated high school from the Speech and Language Development Center, and long thereafter, he participated in their alumni association's Hi-Tops dance team.

The Hi-Tops will be participating in the upcoming Special Olympics Winter Games to be held in Idaho, and their director, Ms. Sandy Garcia, visited us this past weekend while she was up here checking things out. We had a great time sitting around and visiting with her and her grandson, and one of the Hi-Tops dancers who came along. Most of all, we had a great time reminiscing about Michael.

To the left here is a picture of Michael. It's one of our favorites. To see some 200+ pictures that I've posted online, please click here.

We love you, Michael.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.