Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sweethearts Dance

Yesterday was our high school's "Sweethearts" girl-ask-guy dance. Brianna went with Scott Briggs and they had a great time. Brianna chose this pic on the right as her new Facebook profile picture, so I suppose it's OK to put here on the blog. :-)

Though we didn't experience this when we lived in California, here in Boise the high school dances are day-long activities, with a daytime activity in addition to dinner and the dance in the evening. For their daytime activity, the group they went with had "paint wars" where the loaded squirt guns with paint and had battle. I don't have any pics of that, but Brianna does, and I'm sure she'll post them on Facebook later.

Andrew and I were up at Bogus Basin yesterday afternoon, but Michelle took a bunch of pictures for Sweethearts yesterday afternoon. Personally, I think this one here on the left of Brianna and Scott is really cute.

Cutest of all, though, is the pic I've posted below. The girls in the group posed for a silly shot, and WHO KNEW that my beautiful daughter could make such a silly face???!!! :-)

For all the Sweethearts pics, you can see them here on Facebook.

Lovely expression, Brianna... lovely!!!

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