Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beautiful Sunset/Rainbow

Yesterday was a different kind of day in Boise, at least as far as the weather is concerned. When we awoke, it was pretty clear and about 64; however, it got COOLER as the day went on as a storm rolled in. By afternoon it was cloudy with REALLY strong winds, and pollen was blowing everywhere (much to my allergies' dismays). Then by late afternoon, we had massive hail; the streets were white with chunks of ice everywhere, before it turned to rain. The boys and I took Shadow for a walk in the evening, and though it was cloudy, it was quite pretty out. Then after that walk, I was sitting at our dining room table working over a WiFi connection, and I saw this (this first photo here). The sky was almost dark, but the sun was hitting the top of a tree just visible through a round window in our entryway.

Brianna had gone outside to check it out further and she came dashing in, "Come check out this rainbow!!!" So we all ran outside to check it out.

Hmmm... you can't have pretty rainbows without rain - I suppose there's a life analogy there.

But I digress...

Indeed, the rainbow was pretty, but I was more blown away by the panoramic scene playing out over the top of our house. The sun was nearly set and the clouds had made the sky pretty dark, anyway. The first photo I snapped was one of birds flying probably a quarter-mile away. It was cool how the sunlight was reflecting off them.

Then I snapped four pics that I stitched together to become this panorama. I thought the way the sunlight was hitting the tops of the trees against the nearly-dark sky was really pretty. In the right one-third of the photo, you can see the rainbow, as well. Christopher might think that the coolest part of this picture is his new Acura Legend in the driveway. :-)

I've uploaded nine pics to both Facebook and Flickr, viewable via those respective links. Only via Flickr is it possible to see them in their original resolution (though it takes a few clicks).

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