Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Andrew Holding Court

Not THAT kind of court, silly!!! The basketball court. Andrew is enjoying eighth grade basketball this year, where he plays point guard and can often be seen dribbling down the court (even though Michelle and I tried to teach him better manners than that!). I'd love to say that the photo to the right is blurred because of amazingly fast action (which is partially true - notice that the non-moving cheerleaders are clear), but the fact is that I eventually need to take a better camera to his games.

As for me, I employ the same tactic playing basketball as I do in referee'ing soccer: I just stand in the center circle and casually observe what's going on around me. :-) But Andrew dribbles, runs, sets up plays, shoots, and SCORES (a lot). I wish I had his talent. And his good looks. Of course, it could be argued that Andrew got all of his good looks from his father, because his mother still has hers. :-)

Enjoy the two videos below, one of Andrew dribbling down the court and setting up a play, and the other of him making a free throw.

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