Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Brianna's "Smile" - An Original Score

Tonight was Centennial High School's talent show, and there were more than two dozen performances. Everything from clogging to a "Who's On First" comedy routine to singing - we were amazed by all of the talent at the school. At the piano, Brianna played and sang a song that she composed on her own, "Smile." She won second place overall in the competition, and we thought she did pretty well. Her performance is embedded below, and you can also click the link here.

The full-length video of the host's introduction, the song, and the judges comments is also linked here (but not embedded). 

She also accompanied another song there, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" sung by her friend Danielle Després; Danielle also did a beautiful job and won an Honorable Mention. That video is also embedded below, and you can click the link here.

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