Sunday, December 30, 2007

Photos: Barbara Jean Wilcox Goodale

Back in a November entry "Tribute: Barbara Jean Wilcox Goodale" I paid tribute to my mom on the third anniversary of her death. At the time, I promised to post some pictures of my mom. Well... I've finally gotten a chance to do that. At the risk of having my sisters cry as I did as I was going through these, enjoy the photos below, and 160 archived photos posted on Flickr; please click here.

Ahhh... such a cute little baby!!!

Man... was Mom a hottie, or what?!?!?!

Barbara and all of us kids in about 1976. Man... I simply GOTTA find a suit like this again!!! :-)

Michelle and I on our wedding day, March 26, 1988, with both of our moms.

Barbara and all four of her wonderful children in Junction City, Oregon, in about 2000 (perhaps my sisters here can help me with the exact date of this photo).

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