Friday, April 25, 2008

Grocery Shopping in Tokyo

This (Saturday) morning I went to a section of Tokyo where most foreign countries have their embassies. Walking around down there, I haven't seen so many white people in... oh... a little more than two weeks! I also found a foreigner's grocery shopping paradise.

Near my apartment, I've been doing all of my grocery shopping in a small grocery store called "Yoshiike." There is almost nothing there that is a familiar brand from the U.S. I've been living as the Japanese live, going to the grocery store about every two days, because it's impossible to carry a lot of groceries back and forth between home and the store. Each time I go grocery shopping, I bring home two bags of stuff, and it costs $20 to $30 (yen equivalent).

No wonder it's expensive for foreigners to live here!!! This store I found today in Hiroo, called "National," has imported U.S. brands, and it has things like cold cereal, frozen microwavable dishes, etc. - all things my local store does not stock. I got a few things, mainly so I could do quick meals, and two bags later, instead of $20 to $30, it was $50! I'm glad the place is far away, and that I won't be shopping there very often!

I also found something pretty funny there. Check out the picture for this posting. Have you ever wondered why most Japanese kids you see are all polite and nice? Apparently, it's because they cook the brats!!! :-)

1 comment:

Mix said...

Sorry, thats a US Brand and a US company. Those are OUR brats that are cooked and served all over the world!