Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Happy Memorial Day, everybody!!! Even though the forecast called for thunderstorms today, we woke up to a bright and beautiful day. We had canceled plans for a pool party and BBQ, but with the change in weather, we went back to that plan.

Not before a great breakfast, though. Not having any obligations this morning, Dad took time to cook french toast and bacon. With our size family, consider this ingredients list:
  • Two pounds of bacon.
  • 23 eggs.
  • 4 cups of milk (I'm guessing on that one).
  • 3/4-cup cinnamon (guessing again - I don't use a recipe for my french toast batter).
  • 1-1/2-cup sugar (yummy in the batter).
  • 2 loaves of bread (and a little more).
Ahhh... the challenges of a big family and a favorite meal. Thank goodness for the griddle which can cook up to eight pieces of french toast at a time (I cooked 37 in total).

With the late breakfast (indeed - we slept in!), we skipped lunch and spent all afternoon in the pool. Had some friends over, too. I had planned on BBQ'ing hamburgers and hot dogs around 5pm, but around 4pm, we noticed clouds rolling in. So I started grilling up the food. Just in time, too - by 5pm we all were inside, while outside there was thunder, lightning, and rain. Not to mention the wind, and the fact that the temperature dropped by about 20 degrees. That's how quickly storms come up around here.

I was too busy swimming and/or BBQ'ing to take any pictures during the fun, but in this post is a photo of our pool under the cool, gray skies and rain. You'll notice that this year we got a solar blanket for the pool. It does a pretty good job of keeping the pool warm even overnight, so it seems like it's a good investment so far.

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