Friday, August 1, 2008

Home from Hawaii - More Pics

We are home safe and sound(???) from Hawai'i, and MAN OH MAN did we ever have a great trip!!! I took well over 1,200 photos while we were in Hawai'i, and I will post them ALL here. Just kidding!!! I've already started going through them, deleting duplicates, throwing away the bad ones, etc., and I already have the list down to about 500. I'm still going, though, but you can see the first 104 that I've settled on, by clicking here. They'll all be accessible from that same link, as I upload them. The 104 that I've posted now are just of our first two days in Oahu.

Here some more photos from the trip, though.

We got to visit my Uncle Dick and Aunt Marion Detton. They were in town visiting their sons (my cousins), Paul and Steve, living on Oahu's North Shore and near Honolulu, respectively. They we actually on their way home to CA from serving a mission in Sapporo, Japan for the last 18 months. It was great to see them!

Mark, Brianna (hiding her face), Grandma Cotter, Andrew and Justin, on the boat after our snorkeling morning. Apparently, Justin thinks we're going the wrong way, or something. :-)

Grandma Cotter with her new boyfriend, from the island of Fiji (at the Polynesian Cultural Center). :-)

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