Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Particulars

What a fun time of year Halloween is!!! Tonight we turned pumpkins in to Jack-O-Lanterns, and had a great time doing it. Justin's girlfriend, Bailey, also came over, and we carved one for her, too. To the right here, the whole family (except for me; I'm behind that bright flash you see reflected in the glass) is on the porch by our three Jack-O-Lanterns: Michelle, Mark, Brianna, Justin, Bailey, Steven, Andrew and Christopher.

Steven designed a pumpkin that Andrew and Mark had a good time turning in to a "puking pumpkin." Justin and Bailey, music majors that they are, gave their pumpkin a note for a nose. Christopher carved a pumpkin with his favorite character (of his own creation) on it.

Last year, it was FREEZING on Halloween. Though we started the season with a record-early snowfall on October 10th, since then it has warmed considerably. This Halloween promises to be pretty nice, with lows not going any lower than the low-to-mid 30s. Saweet!!! Enjoy additional photos below, and on Facebook or on Flickr (many more photos to be posted as the week progresses, I'm sure).

Mark, Steven and Andrew by their "puking pumpkin."

Justin and Bailey with their music-nose pumpkin.

Our three Jack-O-Lanterns in the dark (thank goodness for tripods!!!).

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