Friday, October 3, 2008

Well Gall-eeeee!!!

UPDATE: Surgery + 3 hours. Brianna is home now and resting comfortably. Even in the recovery room before she left, color started returning to her face once we put her phone back in her hand so she could resume text messaging. The nursing staff was impressed that she could text with one hand, without looking, on 8 milligrams of morphine. My daughter has SKILLS, baby!!! :-)

By the way, the official name of the procedure she had done today was a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. There's a mouthful!


Most of you are aware that Brianna has had some pretty bad abdominal problems this past month, has been in the E.R. a couple of times, and so on. Tests revealed that her gall bladder hasn't been functioning properly, and that it needed to come out.

I am SOOOOOO grateful that I got home from my 25-day trip to Asia in time for my little princess's surgery. Michelle and I are at the hospital now, and the surgeon just came out to give us the post-surgical consultation. The surgery went very well, and gall-darn it, Brianna is now short one gall bladder. He also poked around and checked out her appendix; it looked completely normal, so it stayed.

The doctor anticipates that she'll be in a bit of pain this weekend, and she has a prescription for some narcotics to get her through it. She may be able to go back to school on Monday. When I told the surgeon that she has an AP Bio mid-term on Tuesday, he volunteered to take it for her. Brianna will be happy about that!!! :-)

Unfortunately, even though the surgeon's hi-def view through the laproscope was very clear, the pictures it took were not, so I do not have any lovely gall bladder pictures to post. Sorry to disappoint.....

Thanks for keeping Brianna in your thoughts and prayers!!!

Brianna before being wheeled off to surgery. The hospital gave her a cute little teddy bear; it was laying in her hospital bed when we walked in to the room. Is that sweet, or what? I wonder if they do this for adult patients, as well.

Brianna in the recovery room, after the surgery. Doesn't she look just super happy? :-)


Anonymous said...

Yay! Glad to hear it went well. You Goodale's spend way too much time in hospitals! Is it because of the good food?

I'm glad the pics didn't turn out...ewwww! Brianna is beautiful inside and out, but that's taking it a bit too far!

I hope you guys have a restful weekend!



Tami said...

Poor little thing. Sorry to hear that she had to have surgery. Glad everything's ok...give her our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery. And, by the way, thanks for not sharing any pics of her insides!! Ewwww.....

Becca B said...

Brianna, you are a trooper! I'm glad to hear all went well, you were in our thoughts and prayers. Oh by the way when would you like to pick up Ben...he's yours for the taking! ha ha just kidding, I love the kid too much :)

Anonymous said...

Glad your on the mend! We have been worried about you! Sorry you had to go through all this but hopefully it is over now. Get Well Soon! We Love You!!
Grandpa & Linda

Anonymous said...

Glad your on the mend! We have been worried about you! Sorry you had to go through all this but hopefully it is over now. Get Well Soon! We Love You!!
Grandpa & Linda