Thursday, January 22, 2009

Boy Scout Root Beer Song

Pack meeting this month was "game night" where each cub scout den introduced a game to all the other cub scouts. One den introduced "monkey in the middle," another group introduced a fun game throwing tennis balls at ice cream sticks on the floor and trying to hit/flip them, and another den introduced charades. Good times!

Enjoy the photos here, and you can see all 24 from the evening, posted here.

Dawn Cannariato's Wolf den also did a cute little skit of "Flea Olympics." There are still some missing fleas that were not found following one particular flea jump, so look out on Sunday at church. :-)

We were fortunate enough to have several members of the Boy Scout troop visit us, to sing us one of their favorite songs. So embedded below are the Boy Scouts singing through the song once, then it's repeated with the audience singing along. This is sung to the tune of "Do-Re-Mi" from The Sound of Music. Enjoy...

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