Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shotgun Bachelor Party

Michelle has an aunt and uncle (Uncle Steve and Aunt Ruth Dillon) whom have nine children. And people tell Michelle and I that we're crazy with six! Five of these cousins of Michelle live in the Boise area, and it's GREAT to live so close to have so much family nearby!!! We always have so much fun when we get together with the Dillons.

One of these cousins, Sarah, got married this weekend, and the whole Dillon family descended upon Boise for the wedding. We all had a wonderful time!!! For Joel's bachelor party, a bunch of us men got together and went shotgun shooting. We went to this great shooting range out in Homedale, Idaho, about 40 miles west of Boise. They had 12 shooting stands, most of them had two traps, so on each stand you got two different clay pigeons to shoot at, each coming from a different direction. You did two repetitions for four total shots at each stand, and you never saw the same trap clay more than twice - it made for quite a variety of clay trajectories and shooting situations. On one stand we did three repetitions, and it was a unique stand where you climbed up quite a few stairs and shot down from a platform, at clays actually coming from beneath you.

So if you did the math there, we each got 50 shots. I know that the "winner" of this wild and crazy bachelor party hit 32 clays. Somebody help me out here and post a comment to this posting... who won (I don't remember since I had to leave a little bit early)? I won't report my score here, because it was embarrassingly low. Even though I've shot rifles and handguns, this was my first time shotgun shooting. But the important part is that we all had a GREAT time!!! :-)

Posted here are three shots. The first is of me, getting instruction from the range master. The second is of Michelle's cousin, Steve. Check out that smile; were we having fun??? The third is a shot of the entire clan walking from one stand to the next. I've posted these and 40 more on Flickr (click here) and on Facebook (click here).

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