Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Brianna Loves the ER

Last August, Brianna started having some major abdominal issues. Lots of very sudden, intense abdominal cramping that could only be relieved in the hospital emergency room via morphine drip. After several trips to the ER and many many tests, we determined that it was her gall bladder that was causing the trouble. Hence, on October 3rd, surgeons removed her gall bladder.

On Wednesday of last week, though, she had one of these episodes again, and had the priviledge of getting her second ambulance ride from school in the same school year. We didn't really figure out what the problem was, but morphine put it to rest, and we were waiting to do more doctor visits/tests.
Advance to today. Brianna had another episode in her AP Biology class (AP Bio would make me sick, too!!!) at school today, and her teacher called Michelle (whom was also at school, at BSU), who called me at home. Hoping to save another embarrassing ambulance ride from school, I raced over to the school and picked Brianna up. I'm not sure how many traffic laws I broke on the way to the hospital, trying to get her to the ER, but we both survived the trip.
Short story long... we still aren't sure what's going on. Brianna's gastroenterologist suspects that she is a spastic duck. Oh... wait a minute... that's not what he said. What he said was that he suspects that the duct emptying in to her small intenstines from her duodenum is spasming, causing the trouble. We will try to verify that and/or rule other stuff in or out, and then decide how to treat it. Meanwhile, Brianna is resting comfortably at home now.
Being the blogger that I am, and with Brianna's permission, I took this photo of her in the ER today, after her spastic duck calmed down. She is doing a "This is me being dead" pose and trying to be funny. She gets downright goofy in hospitals, with or without morphine. :-)
Thank you for keeping Brianna in your thoughts and prayers, and for doing the same for her doctors, so they can figure this thing out, and how to treat it!


Melinda said...

AP Bio would make anyone start doing the spastic duck. Hang in there Bri!

Paul Trowe said...

Lots of good love coming your way from Austin, BG!!!

Anonymous said...

Did they ever check for ulsters? It really sounds like what my sister had and because she was so young it took her doctor's a year to figure it out.