Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mark: A Good Sport

So... what's up this year with medical emergencies at home while I'm out of the country??? Steven last month while I was in Frankfurt, and this past Thursday morning I wake up in Shanghai to find a text message from Michelle, "I'm in the ER with Mark. His face is paralyzed."

Apparently, he had awakened with his face feeling a little numb, and he and Michelle thought he just must have slept on it funny. But later that morning he was in full-fledged facial paralysis on the right side. The doctors say that it was likely brought on by some sort of viral attack, yet it isn't contagious. He's on some anti-viral medications and some steroids, and they say that it'll likely go mostly away in 2-4 weeks, and totally heal in about four months. Sometimes it can last longer, so we wish him the best!

The right side of Mark's face is paralyzed, and he wanted me to take pictures. The picture you see here is not Mark making a face; the right side will not move. The biggest problem with that is that he cannot blink, and there is danger of his eyeball drying out and getting damaged. So he has to close it manually with his hands, and at night we have to tape it shut.
It's actually a bit creepy looking, especially when Mark laughs hard. But he's taking it all in stride. Please pray for a speedy recovery for Mark.
Mark has also done his own posting on Bells Palsy. Please click here.


Canada323 said...

cool pics

Canada323 said...

cool pics

Becca B said...

My sister had that happen right before her engagement pictures!!! Good news, It eventually did go away :)
p.s. thanks for the picture, if ever I am having a bad day I just need to see this picture, the smile on his face just brings a smile (and a chuckle) to mine. we will keep you in our prayers.

Melinda said...

Yikes. What's in the water out West that's knocking out so many Goodales?

I hope you get better soon Mark. You're taking this all with very good humor.