Friday, April 17, 2009

Call Me "Kabe-san"

Greetings from the Land of the Rising Sun. Enjoy the picture of Mt. Fuji to the right, here, even though it's totally unrelated to this posting (other than the fact that I'm talking about Japan). One of the reasons I like coming to Asia is that it seems I always get to experience something new here. This morning was no different.

As I was walking from my hotel to the train station en route to my first meeting this morning, there was this guy RUNNING from the station to his office (I assume). Running late to work, I guess. As I rounded a corner, we met. I noticed him just before he slammed in to me, so I squared my stance to the impact. This poor guy didn't stand a chance. He must have not been much over five feet tall, and the guy just bounced off me. Literally hit me, bounced back several feet, and ended up right on his keester. It didn't even phase me, and I felt bad for the guy. He was really apologetic and I of course made sure he was OK (he was), but as he stood back up, he told me it was like he had run in to a wall. And he laughed... I laughed.

The last name "Abe" (awe-bay) is pretty common here. So... sounding close to that, you can now call me "Kabe-san." Kabe is "wall" in Japanese, and I'm now a wall. :-)

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