Sunday, August 2, 2009

Courageously Step Forward

Last week we received a letter from the Church, about PFC Goodale's attendance at the church on base at Ft. Benning, Georgia. To the right is a scan of the letter, with the text OCR'd below. I like how Brother Oaks writes, "In these troubled times, it is heartwarming to see sons and daughters courageously step forward to help preserve our freedom and way of life."

Indeed, it is true!!! And Christopher has stepped forward; we are proud of him. At basic training, he gets time to write letters, and we received three letters from him this past week. They don't OCR well, so Michelle is re-typing Chrisophter's handwriting (end editing out platoon member/leadership names, etc., which they advise us to do). We'll get those up when we can.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Goodale:

We recently learned that Christopher has joined the military and is attending basic training at Ft. Benning, GA. We are pleased to inform you that he has been attending the Church services on base and are grateful for the spirit he brings to the meetings. President Funk is the Church leader at Ft. Benning and will do all he can to help strengthen Christopher's faith and testimony. We appreciate your support and know you join with us in asking that the Lord will guide and protect him during this time of uncertainty and turmoil in the world.

In these troubled times, it is heartwarming to see sons and daughters courageously step forward to help preserve our freedom and way of life. You can be proud of the part you played in molding Christopher's character. Courage and patriotism do not come automatically; they are planted in the hearts of children by their parents. We express our gratitude to you for your selfless service in his behalf.

We have a deep and abiding interest in Christopher's welfare and want to ensure the blessings of Church membership are available wherever he is stationed. As military members move around, occasionally they are unable to find out where and when the Church meetings are held. Our Military Relations Division can assist them. Likewise, we are able to help concerned parents locate the bishop or branch president where their son or daughter is stationed. In addition, many times we can assist in locating the name of a group leader aboard a ship or at a deployed location around the world.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Military Relations Division at (801) 240-2286 or e-mail them at We know that the Lord is mindful of Christopher and the challenges he will face as he valiantly serves in the military.

Robert C. Oaks

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