Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Willing Winter Here

Saturday through Monday the high/lo temps here in Boise were about 49F/34F or so and we got lots of rain. Which meant that we got snow in the mountains around us. Though it's been sunny and warm for the last two days, there's still a little bit of snow visible up on Bogus Basin, our local ski resort. On Monday, snow was all the way down on the foothills immediately around us, at about the 3,500 foot level (our house is at about 2,800 feet). But as you can see, all of that has melted away. :-(

I am willing winter to get here. I love winter!!! And seeing as how we have our Bogus Basin season passes already, let's hope for a Thanksgiving weekend season opening!

Meanwhile, this weekend is supposed to be sunny and low-to-mid-60s. Pool party!!! :-)

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