Herein is a picture of Brianna with Marta, and I am also including a video I shot of the performance. I shot the video with my small digital camera, without a tripod, so the image is a bit unsteady. Even though I shot it at a higher resolution, I down-res'd it so that it would be a smaller download. Even so, the video you see here is close to 40MB, so it will take a while to download. Hopefully the audio comes across clearly.
Wow Brianna!! You sound and look beautiful!! Your voice continues to develop every time i hear you sing. I love this song too I got chills listening to you sing it. I'm totally impressed with how talented you've become... Great job, hun. Love you.
Brianna, great job! Reminded me of the good old days sitting in front of you in Sac. Mtg...I'd get so caught up in listening to you I'd forget to sing. So glad that your dad posted this so I can listen to you again and again. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with the world!
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