These are taken at noon, on what is an otherwise very clear, cloudless day. In the first photo, I'm probably less than half-a-mile above downtown L.A., and the scene is very grey with a reddish hue. In the second photo, we're on direct approach to LAX, probably less than a mile out. Again very dark, at noon.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by these tragic wildfires.
These fires affected us on Pendleton quite a bit. I felt as if I were in a Stephen King movie. Everyone stayed inside as much as possible, keeping the doors and windows shut from the smoke. Fires were racing across the base very quickly. One night at appx 1:30 I drove over to a friends house to pick up Jared as their housing area became pretty vulnerable. On the way, there was a transformer fire behind the Commissary. It was burning large and fast. Marines were racing out of the base from there like you wouldn’t believe. Pandemonium! I was quite amazed. So much for Marines being the 9/11 force. They were running for their lives. And the sad part about it is that this base is used to being on fire; and the firefighters know exactly how to handle them through their many firebreaks, etc. As they did….
These fires affected us on Pendleton quite a bit. I felt as if I were in a Stephen King movie. Everyone stayed inside as much as possible, keeping the doors and windows shut from the smoke. Fires were racing across the base very quickly. One night at appx 1:30 I drove over to a friends house to pick up Jared as their housing area became pretty vulnerable. On the way, there was a transformer fire behind the Commissary. It was burning large and fast. Marines were racing out of the base from there like you wouldn’t believe. Pandemonium! I was quite amazed. So much for Marines being the 9/11 force. They were running for their lives. And the sad part about it is that this base is used to being on fire; and the firefighters know exactly how to handle them through their many firebreaks, etc. As they did….
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