Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stroll Down Memory Lane

I will be making a slide show with pictures and video of Justin for the Open House we will be having for him next month, as he prepares to leave on a mission to Tulsa, Oklahoma. In preparation for that, Michelle and I have been scanning old photos of Justin (and family). To the left here is a photo of our kids taken in August of 2001 - more than seven years ago. Ain't they cute???!!! :-)

I have posted all of these photos in various albums in my Facebook account, as well as on Flickr.com. To view all 103 pictures scanned to date (there will certainly be more coming!), please click here. The file names include the approximate date each photo was taken.

1 comment:

Ann Agent said...

Its the first I've seen your blog in a LONG time! Congratulations on the Mission Call. I've been in Tulsa OK about 2x a year with my Usborne Business. Next trip is January tentatively.

Your pictures through memory lane -- wow, can it really be 20 years? Our 20th anniversary will be May 2009.