Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lake Lowell

Last Saturday (February 28th), it was wintry, cold and windy, so we decided to go do some more Idaho exploring! Since moving to Boise almost three years ago, it's amazing how LITTLE we've still seen of our new home state. We didn't go too far on Saturday, just to neighboring Lake Lowell in Nampa, only about a 30-minute drive from home. The shot here is a panorama of six photos that I took standing at the water's edge. Yes... I am a geek.

They have a fun little indoors visitors center there, where it was warm and toasty. Then there's a nice half-mile trail down to the lake. Andrew, Steven and I were the only ones brave (stupid???) enough to go walk the trail in the cold wind. That's Andrew in the picture at the left, walking down the trail. Ironically... we may get to know this place A LOT better. We thought this would be a GREAT place for Andrew to do his Eagle Scout project: putting some benches along the trail. Andrew has called them, and they're interested in having him do it.

Of course, we also found a fish head down by the water's edge. How cool is THAT for two young boys (and their dad)?! I'm posting a picture here to the right, just so you can start singing in your head, "Fish heads fish heads, rolly polly fish heads..."

And finally, at the entrance to the visitors center, they had this "robot" constructed entirely of trash found on the lake. Steven thought it was cool and had to pose with it, but isn't that GROSS??!! Please don't litter; keep our land beautiful!

I've posted all the photos from our fun little family outing; for the full album (13 pics), please click here for Flickr, or here for Facebook.

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