Tuesday, March 24, 2009

San Francisco

Boise schools are on Spring Break this week, and coincidentally I have a a trade show in San Francisco at the same time (well... it technically starts later this week). So we're combining the two to get in a little family vacation.

We started driving down here after school got out Friday afternoon, and drove to the wonderfully exciting Winnemucca, Nevada where we spent the night. We continued the drive on Saturday, arriving at my sister's house in Fremont, CA Saturday afternoon. Of course, as part of the trip here, we've already stopped off at two of the restaurants we miss from California: Wienerschnitzel and In 'n Out. And we've had a GREAT time staying with my sister, Susan, and her family. Three of their four kids are either married or away at school, and my sister and her husband are practically empty-nesters! It seems weird here without all four of the Grimm kids!

Today we went in to San Francisco, and took Dan with us. We went to Pier 39 and strolled/shopped around there (even rode a merry-go-round!). The photo above and to the right is taken from there. We toured a WW2-era liberty ship and submarine. We visited a wax museum. We rode a street car and a cable car. We strolled through China Town. And we even stopped at an outdoor Italian cafe and had some wonderful desserts and hot chocolate as people strolled by us on the sidewalk (people were looking at us like we were nuts - it was a little bit cold outside). That's where this photo at the left comes from. When we travel, it's all about experiencing as much as possible, so it was a busy and fun day!

Tomorrow I start working, but the family will still be playing in San Francisco. They have tickets to go on a tour of Alcatraz tomorrow afternoon - it's a bummer I won't be with them, but I'm sure they'll have more fun and frivolity tomorrow, like this goofy picture at the right. Then tomorrow night, we'll all meet up again and go see Wicked!!!

For all of the photos posted from today, please click here for Flickr, or here (set #1) and here (set #2) on Facebook.

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