Monday, March 16, 2009

Mark Goes on to State Competition!!!

The GT sixth grade students here in Idaho are required to participate in a "National History Day" project. The project has to cover some aspect of history, and can be creating a website, putting together a commentary, writing a research paper, doing some kind of performance, or putting together some sort of exhibit. Each participant's entry is judged at the school district level, and winners there get to go on to State competition (and Nationals after that if the entry goes on).

Mark's entry won!!! He did a video commentary on Claus von Stauffenberg, the German colonel during WW2 who tried (and failed) to kill Hitler. For his efforts, he was executed by firing squad - bummer. Claus von Stauffenberg was even the subject of a recent Tom Cruise film, Valkaryie. The State competition is next month (we think - details still pending). At stake are college scholarships of $25K, $50K, and $75K!!!

Mark's video commentary is embedded below, but can also be viewed on YouTube by clicking here. This is a pre-subission draft, and not the one that went to competition, but it's nearly final. Enjoy.

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