Friday, July 17, 2009

Grab Kleenex Before Watching

I have uploaded a couple of videos from the funeral services for James Michael Cotter II, held in January 2005. Michael was in a singing/dancing group called the "Hi-Tops," and they performed at his funeral. Below are videos embedded from YouTube, of the group singing "God Bless the USA" and "Hero." When this group performs "Hero," each member wears a shirt with his/her picture on it. At the funeral, they all had a picture of Michael pinned over their own picture - it was really sweet. At the end of the song, they all point to a picture of Michael up on the wall. Enjoy... but try to ignore the family members on the first couple of rows weeping in both joy and sadness. :-)

We have more video from the funeral, and I'll post some of that later.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family Reunion

Over Independence Day weekend, we held a Descendants of Morris and Cora Wilcox family reunion in Delta, Utah. My maternal Grandma and Grandpa Morris and Cora were both born in 1905. My grandpa passed away in 1984, and I remember it well. I was in my senior year of high school, and sitting in my "College Typing" class when I was summoned to the office, where I was informed that my grandpa had just passed away. As much as grandma wanted to go be with grandpa, she still lived for more than 10 more years. They had five children, of which my mother was the oldest. The picture here on the right is of the surviving siblings (all but my mom are there) and their spouses.

Mark had Boy Scout Camp all that week, returning Saturday (the Fourth of July), so Michelle stayed home to wait for him, while on Friday Brianna, Andrew, Steven and I drove down to Delta (about 8 hours from Boise). It was weird not having my full family with me, especially Michelle, but we had a lot of fun. Then on Saturday evening, Michelle and Mark flew down to SLC. We left the reunion early to go pick them up, then Saturday night we stayed in Salt Lake, for my cousin's baby's blessing in Provo that next morning. The pic here to the left is a picture from that.

Anyway... on Friday evening, the four of us checked in to our hotel in Delta and got ready for a fun-filled 24 hours there in that HOT SPOT of Utah (Delta, with a population of all of 3,200, in a county with just over 13,000). :-) But seriously, it was fun to experience Small Town America on the country's birthday.

Friday evening, the town hosted a bike parade, where the main street was blocked off, and the kids (and many many adults) could ride up the street on their decorated bikes, scooters, etc. Amongst all the pics I got were some of our own family that participated. But the real highlight of the evening was the family program we had. The pic here to the right is all of the second cousins singing Lee Greenwood's "Proud to Be an American." I won't go in to all of the details, but it was a great program, and we had a lot of fun.

On Saturday, we all went to the Fourth of July Parade that the city of Delta had. I couldn't believe how many people were there!!! I think the entire county was there, and then some. But it was a way cool parade. To the left here is my sister and her husband and Austin, strolling down the street just before the parade. There was even an Air Force flyover - how cool is that???!!! That afternoon, many of us first cousins and their families went to the movies to escape the heat. Delta has a two-screen theater, and I think those who went to the movies were split between the new Transformers movie and the new Ice Age movie. Most of the clan was going to the town's Demolition Derby that night, but we missed it because we had headed back up to Salt Lake. I heard it was way cool, though.

Anyway... it was great fun. You can see all 66 pics I have posted here on Flickr, or here on Facebook.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fun Day at Lagoon

Over the Independence Day weekend, we had a Descendants of Morris and Cora Wilcox family reunion in Delta, Utah (I'll be posting some pics from the reunion later). After the reunion and before heading home, we spent a day at the amusement park in Farmington, UT, "Lagoon." We went on quite a few roller coasters, played in the water park, and Brianna, Andrew and Mark even "flew" the "Sky Coaster" - GREAT FUN!!! All six of us even crammed in to the little tiny photo booth at the left, resulting in the wacky pictures you see scanned on the right. Thanks, Brianna, for suggesting this; it's a good thing we're a close family!

Also that weekend, on the evening of the Fourth of July, we found ourselves at an Applebees restaurant in West Valley City, UT for dinner and no fireworks plans. The restaurant manager must have taken pitty on us, so he invited us to join he and his staff when they closed at 10pm, as he had purchased some $200 worth of fireworks for his staff since they had to work on the holiday. So... for Independence Day 2009, we enjoyed fireworks in a parking lot with the Applebees staff; that'll be a fun memory.

Here are some additional photos from the day, and you can see all the pics from Lagoon and our Applebees fireworks here on Facebook, or here on Flickr.

Address for PFC Christopher James Goodale

Today we finally received an address for Christopher while he's at Basic Training. So between now and September 10, 2009 (when he graduates Basic Training - Michelle and I intend to be there for the ceremony), you can reach him at the address below. I'm sure he would love to hear from you, so please write him at:
PVT Christopher Goodale
RN 303 3rd Plt
DCO, 2-47INF
5375 Hanson Drive
Fort Benning, GA 31905
We've also received two letters to date from Christopher, the contents of which I will post when I have a chance to retype/edit them. He also called this past Saturday evening. He was given just 5 minutes to speak (though we spoke for 8 - I hope he didn't get smoked for that), and he, Andrew, Mark and I had a nice but brief chat. Christopher said it was "very hard" but he sounded great, and anxious to start doing what he went there to do (train hard).

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Sentimental American

Five years ago this weekend, I sent an e-mail to my family, entitled "A Sentimental American." I had completely forgotten about it, until my sister recently reminded me of it. I post it below in its original form, adding only a couple of additional countries that I have visited since then, as I travel the globe. Happy Independence Day from a sentimental American.....

Happy Independence Day from a very sentimental American. It occurred to me today that I have passed through eight U.S. ports of entry, upon returning to these great United States from various overseas trips. Whether it be at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, or at SFO in San Francisco, or any other ports of entry I have passed through, they have all had one thing in common: Just prior to entering the Immigrations and Customs clearance areas, there is undoubtedly a depiction of the U.S. flag, and a very prominent sign stating, "Welcome to the Unites States of America."

It further struck me today that since the first of this year, alone, I have passed through the international arrivals areas of LAX some six times, and through San Jose International Airport's port of entry once. Certainly more than once in this my 38th year, upon seeing "Welcome to the United States of America," I have had to fight back tears. In many ways, I have felt unworthy of the U.S. passport that I so proudly hold. Many times throughout the years, as I approach the Immigration officers at these U.S. ports of entry, I have had to wipe away a tear, fearing that these guys would think I'm a bit nutty. But... I truly get all weak and sappy when I consider the great country whose passport I feel so protected by. And it gets worse with each passing year. I guess I'm just a sentimental American.

Even though I've visited a lot of the same countries many times, I haven't really been to that many countries. My limited international experience includes Japan (where I have also lived), Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, France, and Italy. Of ironic note, very few of these countries proudly display their flag and prominently place "Welcome to ......... " signs in their ports of entries. The United States is a very welcoming nation, and I swell with patriotic pride every time I see "Welcome to the United States of America" upon returning home. I guess I'm just a sentimental American.

I truly wish that more Americans could share in this experience, and truly felt the spirit of "Welcome to the United States..." upon returning to our blessed nation. Perhaps fewer Americans would be inclined to listen to and support those fellow citizens who hold their mother country in contempt. One such prominent U.S. citizen recently told a gathering in the United Kingdom, "You're stuck with being connected to this country of mine, which is known for bringing sadness and misery to places around the globe." Such statements really break my heart.

I regularly give thanks to God that we have the right to free speech, but that doesn't mean that what people say is always correct or responsible. In fact, I'm grateful I have the right to reject the lunacy that sometimes spews from the mouths of such America-hating fellow citizens. This past week I have been brought to tears thinking about some of the malicious things some of our own citizens have said about our country. I guess I'm just a sentimental American.

If you will indulge me, I would like to share some of the things I have learned from people who are NOT citizens of these great United States:
  • In the late summer of 1986, I sat in the home of a Japanese family (father, mother, a son, and a daughter), and the mother in the family recounted to me (in her own Japanese tongue) the story of how her entire family (grandparents, parents, siblings) were killed in the atomic fireball that consumed Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. She happened to be out of the city at the time, at a prep school in Tokyo. As she recalled the story, I began to feel extremely awkward. You know what she said, though? She told me that she was GLAD that we Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. She explained that all during the U.S. Occupation of Japan through 1952, that she deeply resented Americans, but that in the end, she was glad that America didn't drag the war on any longer, and that we rid the world of Imperialist Japan. We all cried during the discussion. They insisted to me there's were tears of happiness. As for me, I guess I'm just a sentimental American.
  • In March of 2003, shortly after the Iraq war started, I sat with two Italians at a business lunch in Genova, Italy. We had a very candid discussion over lunch, a conversation started by the two gentlemen I was dining with. They freely shared their views of Americans, and the current war effort. They expressed to me that, only two time zones away from Iraq, they feared what Iraq could do to them, and stated their gratitude to America, for standing up against evil. They broadened it beyond the scope of the current conflict, and furthermore stated how grateful they were for all that America has done over the years to ensure freedom throughout Europe. Driving back up the Italian and French Riviera coasts to return to my Cannes hotel, I fought back tears. I guess I'm just a sentimental American.
  • Not quite two weeks ago, I was in Seoul, South Korea, when one of their own faced a terrible, unjust execution in Iraq. Fearing possible anti-American sentiment, I tried to lay as low as I could. My fears may have been largely unfounded, and I hope they were. One South Korean woman asked if I had heard the news, and spoke very openly about it. I asked her, frankly, if South Koreans were saddened or angry. She sadly replied, "Both." I pressed further, "Are South Koreans angry at Americans?" She smiled and emphatically said "NO!" Upon further pressing, she explained that some younger Koreans hold Americans in jealous resentment, but that certainly any older Koreans still held Americans in great appreciation, for our involvement in the Korean War, for protecting their freedom. She told me she is 26, and is appreciative that Americans fight so strongly for freedom around the world.
Of course, the above-listed experiences offer anecdotal evidence, at best; however, I would bet that these are not unique circumstances. I believe such sentiments are held by many individuals who are citizens of other nations. Unfortunately, their voices will continue to be drowned out by those who would wish to stifle the cause of freedom. And indeed, they will continue to be drowned out by the citizens of our own country who hold it in contempt.

However, I will take comfort in knowing the truth: that indeed we embrace freedom, and we strive for freedom all over the world. And that most of the world is absolutely grateful that we do so. May God continue to bless this great nation, and may we ever be worthy of those blessings.

Happy Independence Day, from a Sentimental American.

May we especially honor the following:
  • The Civil War: 184,594 soldiers dying through out the valleys and hillsides of America’s North and South.
  • World War I: 116,708 soldiers die on foreign soil to protect this nation.
  • World War II: 407,316 soldiers died to change the face of the world and how others viewed the United States of America.
  • The Korean War: 33,651 soldiers dying, so others could be free.
  • The Vietnam War: 58,168 gave their lives to help free others.
  • The Persian Gulf War: 148 a war to stop a dictator.
  • The Iraq War: 865 American Soldiers have given their lives so far.
  • And many others, who have served or are currently serving to protect and defend our freedoms and liberty.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

PFC Goodale in Georgia

After seeing Christopher off at the airport very early this morning, we heard from Christopher tonight that he has safely reached Fort Benning, Georgia. He sent a quick text message to me, "They announced we'll be there in 10 minutes, so get your last phone calls in." Upon receiving that text message, of course, I did the only logical thing any father would do: I called him. We all spoke with him briefly, and it was great to say one last good-bye before we don't hear from him for a while. They told us previously not to expect to hear from him for up to two weeks after his arrival, but already we could tell that he sounded anxious and ready to start this whole thing.

To the right here is a picture of him waving good-bye as I saw him off at the airport very early this morning. And below are several other photos over the last couple of days as we said our good-byes.

Some silly faces as we dropped him off at the Airport Holiday Inn Monday night where he started his MEPS processing.

PFC Goodale with proud Mom and Dad as Andrew tries to make silly faces in the background (brothers!!!).

Brianna with her big brother and best friend.

PFC Goodale at the airport very early this morning.

PFC Goodale in line waiting for Security.