Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fun Day at Lagoon

Over the Independence Day weekend, we had a Descendants of Morris and Cora Wilcox family reunion in Delta, Utah (I'll be posting some pics from the reunion later). After the reunion and before heading home, we spent a day at the amusement park in Farmington, UT, "Lagoon." We went on quite a few roller coasters, played in the water park, and Brianna, Andrew and Mark even "flew" the "Sky Coaster" - GREAT FUN!!! All six of us even crammed in to the little tiny photo booth at the left, resulting in the wacky pictures you see scanned on the right. Thanks, Brianna, for suggesting this; it's a good thing we're a close family!

Also that weekend, on the evening of the Fourth of July, we found ourselves at an Applebees restaurant in West Valley City, UT for dinner and no fireworks plans. The restaurant manager must have taken pitty on us, so he invited us to join he and his staff when they closed at 10pm, as he had purchased some $200 worth of fireworks for his staff since they had to work on the holiday. So... for Independence Day 2009, we enjoyed fireworks in a parking lot with the Applebees staff; that'll be a fun memory.

Here are some additional photos from the day, and you can see all the pics from Lagoon and our Applebees fireworks here on Facebook, or here on Flickr.

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