Wednesday, July 1, 2009

PFC Goodale in Georgia

After seeing Christopher off at the airport very early this morning, we heard from Christopher tonight that he has safely reached Fort Benning, Georgia. He sent a quick text message to me, "They announced we'll be there in 10 minutes, so get your last phone calls in." Upon receiving that text message, of course, I did the only logical thing any father would do: I called him. We all spoke with him briefly, and it was great to say one last good-bye before we don't hear from him for a while. They told us previously not to expect to hear from him for up to two weeks after his arrival, but already we could tell that he sounded anxious and ready to start this whole thing.

To the right here is a picture of him waving good-bye as I saw him off at the airport very early this morning. And below are several other photos over the last couple of days as we said our good-byes.

Some silly faces as we dropped him off at the Airport Holiday Inn Monday night where he started his MEPS processing.

PFC Goodale with proud Mom and Dad as Andrew tries to make silly faces in the background (brothers!!!).

Brianna with her big brother and best friend.

PFC Goodale at the airport very early this morning.

PFC Goodale in line waiting for Security.

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