Monday, December 28, 2009

McCall Day 1

I'll start off today's post with the cute picture here. This afternoon the kids were playing in the snow, and in this shot on the right, Andrew has just stuffed Brianna in to the snow and he's pointing to her mocking, "Haha... look what I did." They had a great time out there.

Except for Justin, we're all up here; even brought Shadow and Grandma Nancy. Had to come up in two cars because Michelle's van is in the shop with transmission problems. My MDX was the lead vehicle with a canvas car top carrier strapped to the roof rack with bungie cords, and Nancy's Accord was the trail vehicle. Unfortunately, the Bungie cords were apparently too old to handle the combination of cold weather and 60+ mph speeds. When the cords snapped it was SO LOUD in our car, and when the carrier went sailing off the car, we were lucky on a number of accounts: 1) it didn't take out the trailing vehicle on highway I-55, 2) it didn't fly off the highway in to the largely-frozen Payette River, and 3) absolutely nothing inside got broken! We had no choice but to just put it in the back of my MDX, leaving Shadow with almost no room back there. Oh well... it makes for a good story!

We got up here about 3:30pm and the rental home we are in is really nice, with a large backyard where there is a good two feet of snow on the ground. Since we got in sort of late, the kids (and the dog) just played in the snow in the back yard. It was funny to see Shadow sink way in to the snow, but you could tell he had fun.

After playing in the snow we came in, had some dinner and watched TV. We also took the occasion to exchange Christmas presents with Grandma, since we hadn't done Christmas with her yet.

We had a great day. Check out a few more photos below, and all 45 of the pics I posted from today (here on Facebook, and here on Flickr).

Our kids love tackling Shadow, and Mark has him pinned here. Shadow doesn't seem to mind.

Steven exploring.

Andrew making a snow angel.

Andrew TOTALLY gets Brianna with a sled full of snow!

Hey, Brianna. You're a little wet. Did you REALLY think you could beat Andrew in a snow fight? :-)

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