Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cold and Rainy in Tokyo

Greetings from Tokyo, everyone. I arrived last night, and am staying at the same apartments where I stayed at when I was here in February. It's so nice staying in an apartment and being able to do my own grocery shopping, etc. I still need to go to a good yasai-ya (literally "vegetable market," but they have all kinds of yummy fruits, as well), but hopefully mama would be proud of what's filling my fridge: strawberries, yogurt, cheeses, bread, eggs, ham, bacon, milk, water and juices. :-)

So on the flight here yesterday, I watched two in-flight movies: "Golden Compass" and "P.S. I Love You." So... I remember all of the fuss that "Golden Compass" was anti-Christian and all that, but I didn't sense that; it was just an awful movie!!! Not even Nicole Kidman could save it (in fact, she might have been the worst part of it!). And then, "P.S. I Love You"??? What a major chick-flick that was!!! Not even if I knew I was about to get my ticket punched, I don't know if I could coordinate letters to my wife after I was gone. But I sure would love to be able to post to the blog from the other side! :-)

Oh... and last night while walking around, I saw four random black cats here in Tokyo. I rarely see stray cats wandering around here, so it was weird. Hopefully none of them crossed my path! :-)

Have a great weekend, everybody!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i never did see the golden compass, but the books were pretty good. i personally couldn't find anything anti christian in it, but i suppose if you looked at all the "symbolism" and representation of things, technically it could be religious. anywhoo.

i liked PS: i love you. thought it was very sad, but i liked it. allthough, i'm a chick flicky dude, so i don't know how much that counts...