Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Disney's Interesting Fall Promotion

So I'm riding on the subway here in Tokyo today (the Ginza line), and I spot this ad from Disney, pitching a Fall promotion.

On weekdays from 9/12 to 11/28, if three or more "close friends" come together, and they're all 45 years old or older, their admission price to Tokyo Disney Sea drops from the regular 5,800 JPY to 4,500 JPY.

That's close to a 25% discount (though not quite), which is the only connection I can draw to the resort park's 25th anniversary here in Japan.

But I got to thinking, would such an age-focused promotion work in the U.S.? First of all, do 45-year-old housewives band together in California (or Florida) like I imagine they would in Japan? And secondly, wouldn't some 40-year-old nutjob instigate a class action lawsuit claiming age discrimination? Anyway... I thought it was an interesting promotion.

1 comment:

Tami said...

I have to admit I'm not sure I'd jump on that "over 45" bandwagon...I'd rather pay the extra 25%!