Saturday, November 29, 2008

Brianna at the Piano

In a household of six children, a mom who works part time and is going to school, a dad who travels internationally as often of most of you change socks, kids in sports and music, church stuff going on... things can get pretty hectic around here.

We all have our ways of sort of getting away from it all; with Brianna, it seems to be sitting down at the piano and playing to her heart's content (which can be for hours!). We'll comment, "Brianna is in her happy place." :-)

This weekend she sat down and recorded some of her favorite pieces. Some are her own works entirely; others are her adaptations of popular songs/hymns. I set a digital camera on a tripod near her, and she just went to town. Below are several of her pieces, embedded from YouTube.

This first piece (below, plus here on Facebook) is her own composition, and it's among her favorites. Brianna hasn't given a title to it; she just calls it her piece in F Sharp Minor.

This next piece (below, plus here on Facebook) is her own composition, as well. Again, no title, but it's in E Minor.

Yet another untitled composition (below, plus here on Facebook) of Brianna's (you really should start naming your pieces, Brianna!), but this one is in G Major.

Here (below, plus here on Facebook) Brianna is playing a medley she created, of "Abide With Me," "Canon in D," and "Heavenly Father Loves Me."

Below (plus here on Facebook), Brianna is playing a personal adaptation of "If You Could Hie To Kolob."

Below (plus here on Facebook), Brianna is playing a personal adaptation of "Praise To The Man."

And finally (below, plus here on Facebook), Brianna is playing a personal adaptation of "Oh How Lovely Was The Morning."

I hope you enjoyed the piano pieces Brianna recorded.

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