Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Steven's Surgery

Steven has been fighting an ongoing ear infection for about three billion years. Yesterday Michelle took him for an ear recheck with the doctor, and Steven still had fluid in his ears. We determined that Steven needed tubes put in his ears, and that his adenoids needed to come out. We really needed to do this by the end of the month, but the doctor didn't have any available appointments. So he agreed to do it on his lunch hour today. Isn't that awesome?!

Surgeries... man do I hate surgeries! But Steven was totally a trooper!!! Just look at the smile on his face in this first posted "before" shot before being wheeled off to surgery. The surgery was a big success, and he's doing really well now, just resting at home all afternoon and evening. His throat is a little sore, but otherwise it's like nothing ever happened today.

Steven is supposed to not do too much in the way of physical activity for the next five days or so, but that's gonna be a challenge! So we're just planning on a laid-back, no-plans Thanksgiving weekend. Steven insisted on turkey for Thanksgiving, in spite of the fact that I think it's fowl, so in addition to the nice humongous ham that I bought, we also bought a little bit of turkey. :-)

Because the surgery was done sort of last-minute, not many of you even knew it was happening beforehand, but for those of you who did and kept him in your thoughts and prayers, WE THANK YOU!!! That's a good segue to wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Oh... and below is an "after" picture. It took quite a while for Steven to come out of the general anesthesia (totally normal), so the after shot that I got here is while he's still quite groggy. But of course, just like before and after pics that I posted from Brianna's surgery last month, I had to post the same for Steven's surgery this month. Oh... and we really hope to have NO surgeries next month!!!

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