Thursday, December 18, 2008

Goodale Kids with Santa

We recently received a Christmas card from Larry Waugh, the best high school teacher ever (and the only one that I keep in touch with)!!! In his card he guilt trips me and says, "We enjoyed your 2007 newsletter and are looking forward to the 2008 edition." I think that in the past eight-or-so years, we've done only three (I think) Christmas newsletters, yet some have considered it a tradition. We're not doing so well with that tradition this year (I still need to pen this year's edition)...

However, there is one Christmas tradition that we NEVER miss, although this year it was changed a bit. Without fail, we do a picture of the kids visiting Santa. This year was no exception; however, for the first time ever, we're missing one of our children. We visited Santa on December 9th (Brianna's 16th birthday!!!), and Justin is not in the picture as he is serving a mission in Tulsa Oklahoma. Hopefully his ward in Clarksville, Arkansas did a ward Christmas party, and there will eventually be a photo of Elder Goodale from that (but I won't hold my breath). :-)

My pressing question, as perhaps is yours, is where did Steven's lips go??? His trademark smile is really cute, but his lips seem to have disappeared. :-)

Enjoy this year's photo, but more importantly, HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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