Saturday, December 27, 2008

More Snow

It snowed pretty much all day today. However, as it actually warms up tonight it's supposed to turn to rain, making tomorrow a very slushy, yucky day. We think that the snow, though, is actually quite pretty. Check out the picture of our house tonight, with all of the snow. Can you tell which car didn't get driven today? :-)

They are saying that this month is the second-snowiest December in Boise on record. Driving in it is somewhat of a pain, and the truck even got stuck in the snow tonight and had to be dug out. My MDX is the only car in the family with four-wheel drive (as part of its automatic traction control system, or manually locked on 4WD), and it sure comes in handy!

As you can see from the pictures (especially the one at the right, driving south on Five Mile just below Chinden), sometimes it's just plain hard to see where the roads are. However, the city usually does a good job of clearing the biggest streets. Fellow Boise residents whom have been here for a long time tell us this is the worst they can remember. So it's usually not this bad. Even if it is, we're finding it completely tolerable, and the kids have A LOT of fun playing in it!!! But... so much for the "mild" winters we were promised! :-)

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