Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pictures from Paris

Tonight I took the Metro from my hotel to the Concorde station, right near the Concorde monument. It's also at the one end of the Avenue des Champs Eleysees. I walked from the Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe (the length of my walk pictured here, at the right). What a beautiful walk! It's pretty all lit up for Christmas. My guess is that it was somewhere between 32 and 35 degrees (F) out - somewhat chilly. But there were a lot of people out, and I enjoyed the walk. Posted here are 4 of the 10 pictures I've put online, these and the others are posted here on Facebook or here on Flickr. Enjoy.

A view down the Avenue des Champs Eleysees. Notice the people eating at the brasserie, sitting OUTSIDE. This is what you do in France, so that you can people watch, even when it's freezing (literally) outside!!! :-)

Me standing in some funky sculpture on the Avenue des Champs Eleysees. I set my camera on my tiny travel tripod, set the self-timer, then jumped in the picture. A couple was walking by, and the woman looked at me standing there, looked at my camera going off by itself (I used the flash), and said to her companion, "tres intelligent." I returned the compliment by taking a picture of the two of them, with their camera, standing in this same sculpture.

I love the architecture in France. I thought this shot was cool, because I could see the architecture, with the French flag waving on top of the building, and the moon in clouds in the background. This building, on the Avenue des Champs Eleysees, was the forger Embassy for Thailand ("former" because in front there was a sign announcing their new address).

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