Thursday, January 31, 2008

'Cause That's the Way It Ought to Be!!!

When I was here in Tokyo last summer with a colleague, uber-impressed with motion-activated escalators (had never seen anything like that in the states - escalators just continually run), he remarked, "Ya' know why that is? 'Cause that's the way it ought to be!"
Well... I found two more occurrences of that on this trip so far. First of all, when I bought eggs at the grocery store, I discovered that their chickens are smart enough to imprint the expiration dates right on the eggs as they lay them - smart chickens!!! :-) And secondly, yesterday I bought a printer/scanner unit to have in the apartment, so I could be more productive. You can tell Tokyo is a train society; check out the elaborate handle the sales associate constructed for the box! This made it so convenient to carry on the subway back home!
Ya' know why all this is? 'Cause that's the way it ought to be! :-)

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