Saturday, January 5, 2008

Funny Pictures!!!

Last night on our drive home from Rexburg, we stopped at a Golden Corral buffet restaurant in Twin Falls for dinner. While eating, we somehow got on the topic of funny stories (there are a lot of them!!!) from the Goodale family. Associated with that was a discussion of two of the favorite family photos from our history.

The first one here is of Mark when he was almost three. Mark at that age was a climber, and he loved climbing in/on things. He climbed on to a shelf holding videos; even at that time it was a tough space to squeeze in to; he's barely taller than a VHS videotape (remember those?)!

The second one is of Steven, who is not quite a year old in this picture. He wasn't even walking yet, but managed to crawl in to the kitchen, open the pantry door, grab a box of powdered donuts, and go to town!!! He was SOOOOOOOO proud of himself when I snapped this photo. :-)

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