Saturday, January 12, 2008

Winter Camping!!!

Last night Andrew's Boy Scout troop did an overnight campout that was a lot of fun. We were supposed to go camping in some caves near Twin Falls (about two hours from here); however, we got word that they were inaccessible due to heavy snow. So instead, we went south of here to Swan Falls, near the Swan Falls Dam on the Snake River. Unfortunately there was no snow, but we got a nice little spot near the river (see picture at right). It also didn't get TOO cold, dropping to about a low of 24 overnight. There were just four scouts that went, our scoutmaster, and two of the kids' dads (including myself).

Sleeping bags have cold ratings; for example, "Rated to 10 degrees." I discovered last night that the sleeping bag I have used for years apparently has a very unique rating, "Rated only for using on the living room floor of your heated home when you have guests over." Everybody else seemed to be pretty comfortable and slept pretty well; I was too busy swatting the icicles dripping from my nose to get much sleep. But I still had a great time with the boys and the other adults that were there.

Another photo, of some of us huddled around the campfire last night, is also included. I've posted additional pictures (just nine for now) on my Flickr site, but as photos from the other dads come in, I may be able to post those as well. Please click here.

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