Monday, November 12, 2007

Mushrooms... How Much???

OK OK OK... today I saw the craziest thing I think I've ever seen!!! First of all, start singing in your head, "How much is the doggie in the window?..." Got the tune in your head? OK, then, replace "doggie" with "mushroom" because that's where I'm going with this story...

We had meetings down in Kyoto this afternoon, and in between lunch and these meetings, we had about 30 minutes to kill, so we went walking along this very famous row of local food shops. Apparently, in Kyoto, they grow the best mushrooms in the world. I had been "warned" that they were expensive, but I had NO IDEA!!! So this one store had some Kyoto mushrooms (yes... mushrooms) enclosed in a glass case for sale. So just how much are the mushrooms in the window? You see the price in the photo here: 78,000 yen!!! So for those of you whom are not used to paying in yen, at today's exchange rate of 109 yen per dollar, that's $716. Over SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS for a small box of MUSHROOMS!!!

Man... they better be REALLY good mushrooms. Or, perhaps my L.A. friends would say, "Only if you're smokin' 'em, dewd!!!"

1 comment:

Tami said...

No way!!! Now I've seen everything!!