Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Nice Drive in Australia

This afternoon I took a nice little drive out of the city. Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia, home to about 3.8 million people. I just felt an urge to get out of the city, so I just got in my car and drove. No particular destination - I just went wherever my car went (and the navigation system in my rental could have bailed me out if I got lost). I ended up driving from Melbourne to Traralgon. Drove almost due east for about 100 miles before turning around and heading back. The countryside was quite pretty, and it was good for this Idaho boy to get out of the city! :-)

Unfortunately, it's late Spring here, and I'm having one of the worst hayfever attacks I've ever had. The sniffing and sneezing just won't stop, and tonight I'm keeping this short. I was having fun today observing some of the differences between American and Australian English; I'll have to elaborate on that later.

Enjoy the pictures below. For all the Australia photos I've posted so far (36?), please click here.

This little pond out in the middle of nowhere was kind of cool.

Australia's equivalent of our "Keep right except to pass." I kept wondering, however, overtaking what? Seems kind of aggressive. :-)

They had A LOT of rest stops on this highway (the "M1" highway). They had signs quite often that if you were feeling sleepy, to pull off at a rest stop and take a "powernap" (one word). This shot was taken from one of these rest stops.

There were a lot of cows out here. When I had a steak at the 100 Mile Cafe yesterday, I'm sure I ate one of these cows' relatives.

1 comment:

Tami said...

What pretty countryside. I'd love to take a 'powernap' anywhere there!