Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Travel Tradition - Cuddly Toy

As long as I've traveled on business, my kids and I have had a tradition that we keep. While I'm packing for each trip, the kids will get me a small "cuddly toy" to take with me. The ideas behind this are that they get to send a part of them with me, and also that when I get lonely while traveling, I have a toy of theirs to cuddle up with. Silly? Perhaps. But I think not! I wouldn't travel any other way!!!

Anyway... for this trip, Steven gave me a Sonic plush toy. How appropriate, too, considering I have a meeting with Sega on Wednesday! But when I checked in to my Tokyo hotel this evening (The Strings), I got to my room and discovered that the staff had given me a small teddy bear as part of the turndown service. So I thought I'd take a picture of the two "cuddly toys" together, and I'll have to take a cuddly toy home to the kids from this trip!

Anyway... a fun tradition. I hope my kids continue it, even when they're much too "old" for cuddly toys! :-)

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